When Can I Wash My Hair After a Hair Transplant?

hair wash after hair transplant

Nothing is more exciting than enjoying your hair after a hair transplant procedure! It is an outpatient procedure, and you will be fine once it is completed. Not only that, but you can resume your normal activities after surgery, including going to work and doing normal chores. However, there are a few minor details to consider for post-op care that will help you get the best results from hair transplant surgery. it is merely because the first few days following a transplant are critical for hair regeneration, and special care and delicacy are required to enjoy a fuller head. Minor wounds usually h

eal in a few weeks or days and are not noticeable or uncomfortable.

To be on the safer side, here are a few things you should know about hair wash after transplant and general post-operative care to get the best results from a hair restoration procedure.

hair wash after hair transplant

Type of Procedure

To begin, you must understand the type of procedure you underwent, as each procedure is unique and has slightly different healing and after-care requirements. FUT extracts a strip of hair from the donor area, which means it will take longer to heal. In an FUE, individual grafts are harvested with tiny incisions and then placed in the recipient area with similar incisions, taking less time to heal than in a FUT. Similarly, the Barely Microneedle technique is smoother and heals faster than the other two methods. The point is that each procedure is unique, as is the healing and recovery time. As a result, the hair wash after hair transplant and hair care processes may differ from one another. In general, it is best to follow doctors’ instructions to the letter to ensure that you get the most out of the transplant procedure.

Here’s how to care for and wash your hair after a hair transplant.

Post-Transplant Hair Wash Dos and Don’ts

  • After 24 hours, come to Barley for free clean-up, and one of our nurses will clean the transplanted area for any blood or other post-surgery residual.
  • It is advised to wash your hair gently with low water pressure and gentle hair products.
  • Instead of using a hair dryer to dry your hair, use paper towels to lightly pat it dry.
  • Avoid using hair gels, sprays, and other styling tools for at least a week.
  • Avoid excessive exercise that results in sweating, as well as bending and performing physical activities that can put a strain on your head.
  • You can easily resume your daily routine and return to work after a hair transplant because it is an out-patient procedure that requires little maintenance.

Not only are Barley hospitals known for their transplant procedures and microneedle method, but we also offer post-op care and services. We provide free after-op care and products to help you get the most out of your transplant. In short, hair transplant is a low-maintenance procedure that allows you to go about your daily routine with new hair and a new look! We are always available at Barely Hospitals to answer any questions, you may have.


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